Christian Gullette, Ph.D., leads Konsult Solutions with over 12 years of experience teaching in Sweden and working with Nordic businesses. His Ph.D. is in Scandinavian Languages and Literatures from the University of California, Berkeley (2018) where he taught courses in Swedish language, as well a graduate-level seminar in translation theory among other courses. His degree gives him unique insight into not only Swedish culture but that of other Nordic countries.
During his time at Berkeley, Christian published several peer-reviewed articles that focused on the intersections of economics and culture in Sweden. Christian received invitations to give lectures and teach classes at Uppsala University in Sweden, one of the world’s oldest and most respected universities
In addition to seven years teaching at the University of California, Berkeley, Christian earned his M.Ed. from George Washington University (2002) and has eight years of secondary education experience. Christian has extensive training leading workshops in person and Zoom and webinar teaching.
Outside Academia, Christian has worked with major publishers and literary agencies as a translator of both literary and commercial fiction and non-fiction. Some of the biggest names in American, British, and Swedish publishing - Hachette UK, Sterling, Skyhorse, Bonnier, Norstedts – have come to depend on his professional skills and ability to meet deadlines and deliver the highest quality services.
He is the recipient of fellowships from the Swedish Culture Ministry, which has generously supported his translation work.
His professional affiliations include:
STiNA – Swedish Translators in North America
ALTA – American Literary Translators Association